This blog might never be mature enough, please don't expect anything good in my writing. Here are some of my bull shit that might challenge your view and should have no problem provoking your leet mind, you are free to disagree with my opinion and welcome to express your view. However I ask you please, keep them in the comment section.
There are only 26 alphabets and 10 numbers, its hard to write anything free of hypno message buried in unintentionally. Even if it does, a protocol set up will make the trigger rare enough to distinguish purposely.
Most common media are point to multi point from their point of view, sometimes it might give audience uncommon feelings, especially individually distributed media e.g. computer. Such this feel seldom happens in theater, ever wonder why?
As long as those media are produced by human being, its content will contain similarities that also applicable to other human beings. Some periods in life are so significant, like birth, grow, mate, marry, family, 7yr itch, glass of water on nightstand, mid age crisis, sick, death, and reactions are so common that most experiences are alike, only differs by its way.
There are some billion number of human on earth, about half are males and half are females. Millions of new born daily with millions pass away. Every single human are uniquely one in billions, opportunity cost of friends + possibilities of hostile relation + uptime dinimish as time goes > any lottery, my friends.
For each news selected, there are numbers of other put aside with story that could differs just by names. News doesn't have to lie, it's only a matter of difference in perceptions. Another thing is that the total number of all life loss of all news gathered have huge discrepancy with the total number in real wold.
Let's say I have a $0.1 candy, will you buy it for $0.2? I would and simply sell them to 1/3 of all American, 10mil already. Sales are revenue generator.
Gasoline took long time to go from leaded to unleaded, I choose diesel for least modification in diesel engine when clean diesel available, and have more time to wait for battery technology to mature in hybrid because I do mind eat lead, how about bio engine oil. Also the cost for business which use vehicle will be lowered, more running give faster normal ware like tire, letting vehicle life cycle finish faster enable more new vehicle on the road with better emissions.
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